Davy Back Fight

Fandom collab event!

You have been challenged to a Davy Back Fight! will you accept?
Forming teams of 4 writers or 4 artists participate in a month long creative challenge.


What does the even involve?

What is the ‘Davy Back Fight’ collab?You collaborate with three other people [teams of 3 or 4] and collaborate on the same piece. Think of a relay race, passing it on to the next team member until you reach the finish line.For writers this means a 1k word fic is divided into four pieces, each person does 250 words and passes it on to the next. It has to follow on as one piece. You will get to choose the characters you pick so you won’t be given someone you’ve never written about or hate.
[Word counts can be higher - talk to your team! as long as everyone does 25% each of the final piece.
For Artists your teams do 25% of the work on the same piece of art. Someone does the sketch - line work - coloring and then the details/rendering/final touch. Same as writers you can pick the characters.Do we pick our teams?
Yes! The ‘team captain’ fills out the form with each person’s details.
Can we pick the prompt?
Each team will be given four prompts at random to choose from. No team will be offered the same four prompts.
Is shipping allowed?
As long as there are no minors in the ship - yes!
Can we work with OC/reader insert?
Yes! This event is open to all aspects of the fandom.
Is there a deadline?
October 31st is the deadline! You can post sooner than that if you have completed your work. After this date soicals won't be active.
Can we be on more than one team?
Yes! Just make sure your team knows you are doing this.
Is there a server?
Yes! invites will be sent as soon as sign- ups finish so keep an eye on your email!
How do you join the server?
We send out an invite code to the team captain via the email provided in sign up!
How/Where do we get our prompts?
Once in the server the mods do a random 'picker' system and in the team chat we will drop the 4 prompts and your team pick one at a mod and we mark it down.
Is there an age limit for participants?
18+ for all our teams!
Is there limited space?
Can we make things Not Safe For Work?
This is a Safe For Work event. You can use mild violence or gore but nothing sexual or excessive. Nothing hateful either.
Solo Play!
Want to take part but friends are lame or just don't have any? sign up for SOLO and get matched with other lovable losers.
No guarantee's you'll love your team but maybe that's the added bonus challenge of Solo?


Here is the timeline overview [subject to change]

July 20th: Sign-ups open
Aug 20th: Sign-ups close
Aug 21st: Discord server invites sent
Aug 25th: Prompts given - prompt selection starts
Sept 1st: Teams can start
Oct 1st Project closes
You can post the finished pieces from Oct 1st onwards.